topic map of accounting and auditing

home > concept  

class / concept name concept
full name, other names

(accounting) concept  


highest class (or just a list of the main concepts) in this thesaurus; concepts in the field of accounting

consists of following members (types)

peoplefunctiontransaction  .  time  .  document  .  activity  .  accounting information  .  standard  .  event  .  protocol

underlying assumption  .  objective of financial statements   

further sub-division

graphic representation of the topic map

news item

FRC welcomes IASB Exposure Draft on the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

is in a



topic map of accounting and auditing, an ontology

an electronic thesaurus of accounting and auditing terms comprising a hierarchy of concepts and their associations AND an index of accounting and auditing internet resources and training materials built on the thesaurus

This page was first published in April 2002; last updated in June 2015.